任务 & 愿景


LM通过一种优秀的方式激励学生, 在培育环境中获得全面的教育经验.


To be a leader in Prek-12th grade 教育al experiences of excellence 和 character.


网投十大信誉平台教徒 School provides PreK-12th grade 教育 in a diverse 社区 that nurtures students to become creative 和 innovative learners who are prepared for college, 事业与生活. 以基督为中心,致力于卓越的教育, students are empowered to change the world through Christ-like love, 缔造和平和服务.


To change our world through innovative Christ-centered 教育.


LM will be a leader in PreK-12th grade 教育al experiences of excellence 和 character. Through local 和 global connections in a Christ-centered 社区 lives will be transformed 和 our world changed.


You will see 和 experience these core values as you enter our buildings 和 classrooms, as the banners 和 posters are visible 和 integrated into our curriculum. Pictured here is the graphic 和 core values – we are excited for you to see them in person 和 experience them for yourselves.


  • 全心全意寻求耶稣
  • 生活富有同情心地
  • 搭建和平之桥
  • 培养世界公民
  • 培养好奇心和创造力
  • 授权终身学习


作为一个学校社区,我们的价值是什么? Hear from LM students, teachers 和 staff as they share our core values.


网投十大信誉平台教徒 School is a comprehensive PreK-12th grade school that prepares graduates for lifelong
学习. The Christ-centered 教育al process develops the gifts of each student to live as a global citizen. It
is expected that graduates of LM meet the following goals in each area.

– integrate faith formation into everyday life as a citizen of God’s kingdom
– be stewards of all that God has entrusted to us including creation, time, talents 和 treasure
– see 和 relate to every human being as a child of God 和 live into the promises of scripture with courage 和 humility
– seek to follow Jesus as a disciple who underst和s the call to mission 和 service

-根据不同的上下文进行适当的写作, 包括工作或业务, 教育, 以及其他生活情境

– cultivate a lifelong appreciation for the visual 和 performing arts
– experience 和 underst和 music 和 art from across time 和 around the world

– develop positive physical, mental, emotional, social, 和 spiritual health
– demonstrate competency in 和 应用 knowledge of a variety of concepts, 原则, 与运动和表现有关的战略和战术.
– exhibit responsible personal 和 social behavior that respects self 和 others
– recognize the value of life-long physical activity 和 health

– demonstrate fundamental underst和ing of core mathematical concepts
– be competent problem solvers who can transfer 和 应用 skills to real-world problems

– gain an appreciation for the natural world 和 develop an underst和ing of the fundamental theories 和 laws that guide it
– think critically when presented with scientific claims 和 learn to use reason based on scientific underst和ing
-对幸福做出明智的决定, 的关系, 和资源来实现最佳的生活质量
– develop the skills necessary to support a future career in science 和 agriculture

– solidify a national 和 global historical underst和ing as a means to better comprehend the present world, identify areas of passion 和 articulate a vision for the world
– build a base of historical thinking skills with a focus on thinking critically, 认识随意的关系, 随着时间的推移分析变化并建立强有力的论据
– practice the gift of 好奇心 to explore the vastness of history 和 social studies 和, 结果是, become practiced 和 interested learners to the people 和 stories around them
-通过寻求管家的身份,以耶稣的教导为榜样, 和平, 同情和和解的地方, 国家和国际社会

– underst和 和 appreciate another culture to become globally competent 和 culturally sensitive
– make connections between a student’s world 和 other cultures


作为一所领先的基督教学校, 网投十大信誉平台教徒 School offers a comprehensive PreK-12th grade program designed to educate the whole person. The school warmly welcomes students 和 families desiring an 教育 in a 学习 社区 shaped by the following distinctives: Christ-centered, 卓越教育, 和平与服务, 社区, 以及充满信仰的机会.

网投十大信誉平台教徒 School promotes excellence in a student-centered environment that is age 和 ability-appropriate 和 builds skills not only for further 教育 but also for lifelong 学习. Teachers provide academic support 和 challenge while guiding 和 encouraging students to develop their gifts 和 discover their calling. The faith-infused 教育al program nurtures students’ spiritual life, 好奇心, 性格和责任感. The school values teachers who invite students to transformational growth within the context of the local, 国家和国际社会.

一个多样化的, 欢迎多元文化的环境, 安全, trusting 和 respectful is an important component of the 教育al process. 网投十大信誉平台教徒 calls each student to personal faith 和 practices that value 缔造和平和服务. 学校与家庭和他们的会众合作, 美国门诺派教会, other denominations 和 the wider 社区 to transform students to change our world.


网投十大信誉平台教徒 School is committed to a restorative rather than punitive approach to discipline which includes counseling, 道歉, 祈祷, 和解与父母参与. Restorative discipline is based on a motivation of love to help each child become conformed to the image of Jesus. 然而, 学生的选择决定结果, 正面还是负面, 和 we believe that students must accept responsibility for their behavior.
