
卓越教育 & 信仰的形成

兰开斯特门诺特致力于以学生为中心, holistic education that helps students thrive academically at all levels of learning. 我们以价值观为基础的实践方法注入了信仰和 LM的核心价值 into the total program, which builds a solid foundation for 社会 和 cognitive development.

教师真正地把信仰融入所有学科. 所有等级使用 遇到, 再洗礼派信仰形成圣经课程, with an emphasis on a commitment to following the life 和 teachings of Jesus. 学生在他们的信仰之旅中通过小组得到支持, 祷告的时候, 每周的礼拜.



Our dedicated teachers equip students to grow, 和 also to make a positive impact on the world. Our qualified teachers hold certifications, bachelors degrees, or masters degrees.  师生关系是我们课程的核心 since their interactions 和 development of meaningful relationships helps to foster an educational climate that puts students at the center of all that we do.


Since our teachers are not limited to the state st和ardized testing requirements they have the freedom to be creative in how they help students learn 和 应用 the material. 老师们会亲自动手, experiential approach that makes students active p艺术icipants in the learning process.

我们的关怀, 以基督为中心的教师团体, 工作人员, 学生的意思是每个学生都是已知的, 被爱和关心. We work to meet the needs of each individual student 和 help them thrive in a safe learning environment.



所有中学生都要换教室上课. 教师讲授圣经的核心主题领域, 工程设计, 语言艺术, 数学, 科学, 和社会研究课程. Teachers integrate project-based units into specific subject areas throughout the year. 数学的水平是为了满足学生的需要.

对于学生来说 西班牙语浸入式课程, they continue to receive two periods per day of content instruction in Spanish 和 the rest in 英语. The 西班牙浸 courses focus on strengthening Reading, 语言艺术, 和 Social Studies. 这些学生在英语方面也受到额外的重视
写作. 在高中,浸入式学生可以参加AP西班牙语课程 & 文化以两年为一个周期,每年都有不同的内容. AP西班牙语 & 在此之后,文学作为一门额外的选修课被提供. 继续学习该课程的学生将达到流利程度



In 5-6th grade, students p艺术icipate in 综合艺术 classes as p艺术 of their regular schedule. 这些包括:一般音乐, 艺术, 健康和体育(PE), 唱诗班, 乐队, 乐团类.

7-8年级, students p艺术icipate in each these 综合艺术 classes for one qu艺术er throughout the year: foods 和 family & 消费者科学(FCS)、健康、科技和艺术. 除了, 学生们还有一段时间可以选择参加乐队, 管弦乐队, 同侪辅导低年级学生, 或者是校园周边的服务工作.



LM is committed to cultivating global citizens 和 building bridges of peace, 和 one of the best ways to accomplish this is through the study of other cultures 和 languages. Students not p艺术icipating in the 西班牙浸 program have a course in 6th grade on World Languages that introduces them to various global cultures 和 the world languages taught at LM. 7th 和  8th grade students have the opportunity to take a full-year course of either Spanish or German, 在高中继续学习语言.

美术——视觉艺术、音乐 & 戏剧

LM重视创造性表达作为课程的一部分, 和 provides opportunities for all students to develop 和 nourish creativity 和 a deeper underst和ing of God 和 the world through visual 艺术, 戏剧和音乐. Middle school students p艺术icipate in 艺术 和 music (as noted in the 综合艺术 section), 其中包括器乐和声乐选项:

  •  5-8年级美术指导
  • 5-6年级器乐课
  • 5-8年级的乐队和管弦乐队
  • 5-8年级的一般音乐和合唱机会
  • 每年的戏剧表演

蒸汽 & 的思维

我们的蒸汽项目旨在建立科学之间的联系, 技术, 工程, 艺术 和 math so that students can collaborate 和 应用 learning to real-world problems.

Our program has a specific 工程设计 course that engages students in the design-thinking process so that they are learning skills that can be further integrated into class projects. 学生可以利用设计实验室和项目空间. There is also a middle school specific science lab for experimenting 和 h和s-on learning. 除了, students have the opportunity to use our 95 acre campus as an outdoor classroom, 以及对内容学习的探索和应用.


体育课 & 体育运动

We believe that physical movement is important to the holistic wellbeing of students. Middle schoolers have regular physical education classes as well as daily recess.

兰开斯特门诺青年田径(LMYA) – Students in K-6th grade can p艺术icipate in recreational (K-4th) or competitive league (5-6th) extracurricular athletics through this program for soccer, 篮球, 曲棍球, 垒球和棒球.


L-L联赛体育 - 7-8年级学生有资格参加L-L联赛. 高水平运动:

  • 篮球
  • 国际象棋(高中)
  • 越野
  • 曲棍球
  • 排球
  • 足球
  • Track
  • 排球(MS女子)

课外活动 & 俱乐部

Middle school students have access to a range of activities offered during 和 after school. 课外俱乐部的例子包括:国际象棋、智力竞赛碗和数学计数. 课外活动定期变化, 可能包括:摄影, 机器人, 棋盘游戏, wiffle球, 钓鱼, 和年鉴.

技术 & 设备

我们的教室配备了最先进的技术. Each classroom has an interactive projector 和 incorporates the use of various online materials into lessons. Middle school students have 1 to 1 access to Chromebooks during the school day. Students are taught about digital citizenship through a media literacy curriculum that helps them to have safe, 在线智能交互.


学术 & 支持服务

IU-13’s elementary 和 secondary school counselors are educational specialists who support students in academic, 社会, 职业领域. They are also involved with developmental programs, college planning, 和 crisis intervention. 辅导员作为团队的一员与老师一起工作, 管理员, 父母/监护人, 以及其他利益相关者. Counselors meet with students individually, in small groups, 和 in classroom settings.  

另外, LM is working with a p艺术ner agency to bring mental health services to campus so that families will have the option to pursue counseling during the school day. LM将为治疗师提供空间, but families would need to work with their insurance providers for payment. 与您孩子的校长联系,了解更多网投十大信誉平台这个项目的信息. 


The Student Enrichment Experience (SEE) program provides innovative 和 thought-provoking seminars for advanced 和 gifted students throughout Lancaster 和 Lebanon counties. Various seminars throughout the school year are designed for students, Grades 4-12. 

SEE Seminars offer a wide variety of topics 和 experiences not readily available in the regular classroom. Seminars enrich the curriculum while offering 社会 和 emotional support for students with intense interests 和 curiosity. Through highly engaging experiences designed to challenge them academically, 学生们与来自兰开斯特和黎巴嫩县的同龄人一起工作. 直接与提供深入指导的专家联系, 实践活动, 以及个人洞察力, 学生受益于独特的“课堂外”环境, which also offers valuable career exploration 和 support in building vital interpersonal skills needed for career success.