Đời sống tinh thần

Christ at the Center

我们相信,基督教教育的关键是让基督在所有学习的中心, not as an add-on in the curriculum. Spiritual life involves every activity of the school, 教师真正地将基督教的观点融入所有学科领域.

While taking a holistic view of spirituality, 我们提供许多具体和有意的活动,以突出生活的精神层面.

  • Elementary students receive daily Bible instruction using the Encounter 课程和参加每周一次的教堂礼拜在他们的理解水平.  Learn more about Encounter.
  • Middle School students generally attend Bible class twice every week, a weekly chapel service, and have extended times for focusing on their relationship with God.
  • High School students attend chapel three times per week, 每周参加一天的咨询小组,每年参加神学/圣经课程. Chapel includes special series with guest speakers, such as Commitment Week, Missions Inspiration and Education Week, and Career and Faith Week, allow for focused intentional attention to spiritual growth.

Students and faculty come from a variety of Christian congregations. Teachers, 课程和礼拜强调通过基督与神建立个人关系, salvation through faith, and a commitment to following the life and teachings of Jesus.

Chapels add an extra dimension of group worship, as well as input from local pastors, inspirational speakers, 歌唱团体和其他资源,扩大学生对更广泛的教会和神的认识. 这个时间的崇拜和文化活动邀请学生个人信仰, Christ-like love, 建立和平和服务,集中和持续关注属灵成长. 教堂关注学年的节奏和基督教年的周期.

Chapels – See more Chapel Videos – click here

Students at Chapel


  • 从再洗礼派的角度提供温暖的普世主义教学,与心灵和思想对话.
  • 提供圣经的教导,将信仰与当前与我们信仰旅程相关的问题结合起来.
  • 创造一种氛围,既能使基督徒成为门徒,又能邀请寻求信仰的人.
  • Make time for worship, prayer, and reflection in the school day.
  • Foster awareness of being God’s missional people in the world.
  • 强调教会和世界的特殊呼召,以此培养每个学生的呼召.
  • Develop worship leading, performance, and technical abilities among students, as well as model adult leadership.
  • Build community by gathering together the whole student body and faculty.


  • Balance worship and faith-focused chapels with occasional assemblies that, while not worship, build and celebrate community.
  • Attend to school life, 同时发展对更广阔的世界和全球教会的认识.


  • Faculty and students.
  • 当地的牧师和再洗礼派相关机构的代表,来自美国.S. and around the world.
  • Guest speakers who know and respect the mission of the school.


  • In addition to the hymnal (Hymnal: A Worship Book), from which we take our core music, 我们欢迎和庆祝以平衡选择其他风格的基督教音乐.
  • Music groups from within the school regularly lead worship and perform.
  • 唱诗班,尤其是门诺派大学的唱诗班,经常到我们的教堂来表演.

High School Chapel Schedule

May 13 – Dave Coryell, Global Director of Christian Endeavor

May 15 – Opening Arts Reception

May 17 – Music Assembly

May 20 – Mr. King

May 22 – Campus Chorale

May 24 – Mr. Sheffer – Praise and Worship

Faith Practice Statements

Ultimately, 我们头脑中的信念,除非在实际行动和态度中“具体化”,否则什么都不是. 我们已经确定了15件事,作为我们信仰的结果,我们是这样做的:

  1. 在这所学校里,学生们知道他们是被上帝所爱和重视的,这使他们能够珍惜和爱彼此.
  2. Peacebuilding, including the use of restorative discipline, is regularly modeled and practiced as a lifestyle of nonviolence, seeking justice and being part of a reconciling faith community.
  3. 我们学校重视文化、种族和社会经济的多样性.
  4. 我们学校提供了一个温馨的社区,在这里提出问题在情感上是安全的, to value and learn from differences, and to care for each other.
  5. The school enables students to practice global awareness, cultural sensitivity, anti-racism, and compassionate living.
  6. 网投十大信誉平台在他们的所有上帝托付给他们的管理的理解, including the natural environment.
  7. 我们学校的教职员都致力于模仿耶稣基督的生活.
  8. 学生通过提问来理解圣经的辨别过程, practicing spiritual disciplines, and engaging with other Christians.
  9. 鼓励学生在与耶稣的关系中成长,并通过态度和实践在日常生活中跟随耶稣.
  10. 我们学校尽其所能消除排除或阻碍学生接受信仰灌输能力的障碍, education of excellence.
  11. 信仰与和解的故事和象征在我们的学校社区定期分享.
  12. 我们学校邀请家长成为孩子信仰形成的伙伴.
  13. Our school is a community that lives the gospel message through praying, serving others, 让学生认识到,他们可以在全球和当地对世界产生积极的影响.
  14. 我们学校建立了一个坚定的信念和学习社区,学生和员工相互支持.
  15. Our school enables students to live a life of curiosity, 奇妙和奥秘,因为他们与神联合,把神的国度带到地上,如同在天上.

What do Mennonites Believe?

一个由再洗礼派(门诺派世界会议)组成的国际组织制定了这份共同信念清单. 再洗礼派就是“重新受洗”的意思,指的是在新教改革期间接受洗礼的成年人,他们承认基督是他们的救主和主. Mennonites are named after an early Anabaptist leader named Menno Simons.

  1. God is known to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, 造物主通过呼召人们在团契中忠诚来恢复堕落的人性, worship, service and witness.
  2. Jesus is the Son of God. Through his life and teachings, his cross and resurrection, he showed us how to be faithful disciples, redeemed the world, and offers eternal life.
  3. As a church, we are a community of those whom God’s Spirit calls to turn from sin, acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord, receive baptism upon confession of faith, and follow Christ in life.
  4. As a faith community, we accept the Bible as our authority for faith and life, interpreting it together under Holy Spirit guidance, in the light of Jesus Christ to discern God’s will for our obedience.
  5. 耶稣的灵使我们有能力在生活的各个方面信靠神,这样我们就能成为放弃暴力的和平缔造者, love our enemies, seek justice, and share our possessions with those in need.
  6. We gather regularly to worship, to celebrate the Lord’s Supper, and to hear the Word of God in a spirit of mutual accountability.
  7. 作为一个世界范围的信仰和生活共同体,我们超越了国籍的界限, race, class, gender and language. We seek to live in the world without conforming to the powers of evil, witnessing to God’s grace by serving others, caring for creation, and inviting all people to know Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.

在这些信念中,我们从16世纪的再洗礼派祖先那里获得灵感, who modeled radical discipleship to Jesus Christ. We seek to walk in his name by the power of the Holy Spirit, 我们满怀信心地等待基督的再来和神国度的最终成就.

Why Isn't the National Anthem played at LM Athletic Events?

兰开斯特门诺学校(LM)选择在每场比赛开始前祈祷,而不是演奏国歌或悬挂美国国旗. This choice is rooted in Anabaptist beliefs and LM’s core values. 在所有体育赛事中祈祷,通过承认上帝赐予每个学生的礼物,并要求双方球员的安全,展示了我们全心全意寻求耶稣和富有同情心地生活的核心价值观.

As a community of faith, 我们坚信上帝超越国界,我们是全球信仰团体的一部分. Our allegiance to God is above nationality, and this living out our core value to Cultivate Global Citizens. 此外,门诺派信仰遵循和平主义和缔造和平的传统. Within the national anthem, violent and militaristic language can be found. LM相信我们被呼召跟随耶稣非暴力的榜样,因为我们活出我们的核心价值,建立和平的桥梁.

Có những trường hợp, chẳng hạn như trong vòng loại trực tiếp, nếu chúng tôi tổ chức các trò chơi, PIAA yêu cầu trường chơi quốc ca và hiển thị cờ Mỹ. Trong những trường hợp này, chúng tôi tuân thủ các nguyên tắc của PIAA.