
Software for Students & Families

At Lancaster Mennonite, we use a variety of services to carefully and usefully handle student, teacher, and course data and communication.

Schoology:5-12 年级 – 我们为初中和高中使用名为 Schoology (发音为 SCHOOL – uh – jee)的在线服务,以帮助教师、家长和学生就学习和其他课堂活动(包括成绩)进行交流。要了解有关 Schoology 的更多信息、访问或设置您的帐户,或者如果您有任何疑问,请单击下面的 Schoology 按钮。

SeeSaw: Grades PreK-4 – We use SeeSaw to connect elementary parents/guardians with teachers.  Teachers will provide important weekly information and updates about your student and their class here. To learn more about SeeSaw, how to download the App and creating an account, or if you have any questions, please click the SeeSaw button below.


New to Lancaster Mennonite School this school year, SchoolMessenger, is a parent (and student) communication software tool, which will allow us to send you text messages, emails, push notifications and/or phone calls (depending if you have the app and/or the preferences you have set-up) when there are emergency messages, such as snow delays, early dismissals or school closures, etc.

As a school we send out a monthly email newsletter, called “ELinks”, from your student’s age appropropriate Principal (elementary, middle school and/or high school) through this software. In addition, we will send out other timely communications as needed from the System Office or age appropriate school office through this platform.

Click the button below to learn more and about how to get set-up on the platform/app.


If ever have issues logging in or accessing something on Schoology or SeeSaw, or have any questions please contact our IT support team, by emailing: support@sym-biosis.net.

If you are not receiving the regular school communications via email or text, or having trouble setting up the SchoolMessenger app please contact info@sym-biosis.net for our Marketing Team to help resolve any issues related to this software for communication.

We are happy to help, just let us know!