


网投十大信誉平台教徒 (LM) school recognizes the importance and benefits of communicating  through social media. 社交媒体是一个强大的工具,LM通过它向我们的社区传播相关的新闻, 倾听LM的声音和感知, 与我们的  观众在网上, 建立良好的意愿. 社交网络和其他在线媒体是参与和双向沟通的绝佳工具, 但是,不适当的使用存在潜在的重大风险. Existing legal responsibilities and school policies remain in  place when LM employees use social media. 


这项政策适用于学生,教职员工, 和代表LM的承包商 who manage or  contribute to official LM social media channels (those channels that have some oversight by  school faculty/staff) including but not limited to channels for academic departments, clubs and  offices at LM Social media channels can include but are not limited to blog and social  networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, 和LinkedIn. 

This policy DOES NOT pertain to informal student groups (as opposed to LM-affiliated clubs) or  to the personal use of social media by students and employees. LM employees and students  are strongly encouraged to review the employee handbook and student handbook when using  social media 平台 to ensure they are not violating the code of conduct and incurring  disciplinary action.  


在LM创建官方社交媒体账户之前, 请与市场及传讯总监联络. 他们会根据你的需要讨论具体的沟通策略,  review the name of your social media account to be clear it is in line with current accounts and  best placed for search-ability purposes. You should create an account only in the name of a  recognized LM entity if you are authorized to represent that entity and share the  passwords/access to the account to the Director of Marketing and 通信. 

The Marketing and 通信 brand ID manager will help provide a logo and necessary  graphics for your account.

所有LM的官方社交媒体账号, 包含客户经理的姓名和联系信息, 必须传达给市场和传讯. Post only on behalf of LM  or its 子公司 in an official capacity where you have been explicitly authorized to do so. 与你的主管讨论你是否有权这样做 直接回应用户,当你  可能需要批准才能回复,或者当你对是否合适有疑问时  发布内容. 


社交媒体可能是骗子和罪犯的有力工具. LM想要保持警惕  来保护我们的网络形象. 员工和学生应该遵循这些安全措施 如果您正在访问或管理LM社交媒体帐户,请执行以下步骤: 

  • 创建安全密码并设置双因素身份验证(如果可能)
  •  保持软件和设备的更新
  • 避免网络钓鱼攻击、垃圾邮件、诈骗和其他恶意威胁
  • 在事件中 你的密码被泄露了或者你觉得有 未经授权访问帐户 立即联系IT和市场部解决


不要发布网投十大信誉平台LM的机密或专有信息, 或LM员工, students,  子公司, or alumni that would violate such persons’ reasonable expectations to privacy under  applicable federal and state laws, HIPPA, FERCA, 或者其他学校政策. 一般来说,  permission should be granted before posting anything about LM or an individual that is not  already known to the general public. Non-disclosure agreements that prohibit the school from  disclosing 信息 also bind its employees from disclosing such 信息. 


不要在官方社交媒体上发布任何不应该公开分享的内容. 特别是, do not discuss a situation involving named or pictured individuals on a social media  site without their knowledge or permission. This does not include photos from the LM digital  collections and archives or photos in which individuals are not clearly recognizable. Keep in  mind that for reasons of privacy or security some students may not want it publicly known that  they attend LM. 永远不要分享社会安全号码、地址或其他私人信息.  记住,你分享的任何东西都可能在一段不确定的时间内被公开, 即使您试图修改或删除它.

不包括学校的机密信息, 她的老师/员工, 或者在社交媒体网站上发布的学生材料中. 例如网投十大信誉平台学生成绩或表现的信息, 录取状态, GPA, Social Security number; personally identifiable health  信息 such as medical conditions or injuries or healthcare sought or received; and other  private 个人信息 that the person has not consented to have published. 


Use of social media on an official LM channel must be managed responsibly because it reflects  on the school, 她的老师/员工, 学生, 校友, 以及它的员工. 

  • 紧急情况和危机情况: 在紧急情况或危机情况下,主管是LM的官方声音. Managers of official LM accounts are  asked to share only official 信息 provided by the main LM social media accounts  and shared in official school messages. Sharing 信息 found online or not  approved by LM may lead to false or confusing 信息 reaching the community and  spreading online. Official accounts are also asked to delete or postpone any previously  scheduled tweets or posts during an emergency or crisis situation. 
  • 机密信息: Social media account managers should take steps in  advance to prevent the exposure of confidential medical or student 信息.  机密信息永远不应该在网上发布. 照片在发布前也应该仔细检查,以确保没有保密, 个人信息, 比如社会安全号码, 地址, 或者学习成绩, 可以看到. 请与营销部门核实学生照片的拍摄权限. 
  • 其他用户: 其他用户, 包括LM的学生团体, 可能有不同的兴趣,  态度和观点比LM官方社交媒体账号更重要. 在转发或分享他人在学校官方频道发布的内容之前, 请注意,这样的内容是准确的,反映了学校的立场. 
  • 假账户: 员工不应该创建虚假的社交媒体账户(例如.e., an  account that seems to be the work of a third party) or share false or misleading  信息 through a school account. 
  • 纠正信息: 如果你无意中在网上发布了不正确的内容,  尽快公开地改正错误. 这样做会为你在网络社区赢得尊重. 


既要保护LM名称,又要与用户建立信任, 社交媒体,如博客, Facebook页面, 推特, Instagram账户, etc. that are established on behalf of LM entities should be explicit regarding the nature of the relationship of such media to LM. 类似的, LM-related social media should not be used for any private business or financial transactions nor should any staff with 从lm相关的社交媒体中实现任何个人金钱利益的行政责任. 

通过LM官方社交媒体渠道分享的内容, 以及这些频道喜欢或关注的页面或帐户, 应该反映LM的使命和价值观吗. Official LM accounts should  refrain from posting content and liking or following users or pages that reflect personal interests  or that may be in conflict with LM mission or values. 

Official LM accounts should encourage engagement and interaction with and among 追随者;  however, 他们应该保留删除垃圾内容的权利, 商业, obscene,  骚扰或贬损的. 如果社交网络允许,在“个人简介”或“网投十大信誉平台”部分, official  accounts should post a disclaimer similar to this: “Third-party posts on this wall do not imply  endorsement of that content by LM. 我们保留删除垃圾内容的权利,  商业, obscene, 骚扰, 和/或贬义.” 


LM官方账号在发布知识产权时必须遵循一般版权准则,  包括照片和视频, online. 

  • 网上发布的材料应该是你的财产, 在公共领域, 有知识共享许可吗, 或者属于合理使用. 对于所有其他情况,您应该寻求版权所有者的许可. 
  • 在可能的情况下,最佳做法是包括信用/归属.


Official social media accounts at LM must follow the 服务条款 set forth by the social  media channels they are using.  

(Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn


LM为最流行的社交媒体平台创建了最佳实践和指导方针. 官方渠道应该遵循每个平台的最佳实践. 在某些情况下, 偏离最佳实践是合理的, 但如果不遵循最佳做法,可能会对学校造成损害, 但不限于, 被排除在LM官方社交媒体名单之外 平台, 缺少主要LM渠道的推广, 并可能停用或删除违规帐户. Deactivation and deletion will be at the sole discretion of LM and will be carried out by contacting and working with the school’s communications director or the highest ranking officer of the department. 


  • 代表LM使用这些沟通渠道的目的是为了支持学校的使命, goals, programs, 以及受制裁的努力, 包括网投十大信誉平台,  信息, 内容和指令. 
  • 当使用官方认可的社交媒体渠道时, 假设在任何时候你都代表LM. 
  • 谨慎、体贴、尊重你的同事、同事和同事 学校的支持者/社区.
  • 避免讨论或猜测内部政策或操作. 
  • A healthy dialog with constructive criticism can be useful but refrain from engaging in  dialogue that could disparage colleagues, 竞争对手, 或批评. 
  • 如果你有学校的信息和新闻,你想向公众或媒体宣布, 请联系LM市场部 & 通信. 
  • 如果你对在这些社交媒体网站上发布内容有任何疑问, 请咨询市场部 & 交流团队. 


  • LM鼓励我们的粉丝, 追随者, 朋友们通过评论一个故事来分享他们的想法, feature, tweet, 或与你对话的帖子. 我们鼓励积极和鼓励的谈话, 深思熟虑和文明的对话,并遵循以下准则:
    • 评论必须与讨论的主题相关,切中要害.
    • 保持你的评论干净和有建设性.
    • 离题的帖子, abusive, 包含亵渎, 语气上的威胁或人身攻击是否会被移除.
    • 过于冗长的评论——由网站编辑决定——将根据长度进行编辑, 清晰度和空间限制.
    • LM保留审查和删除评论的权利.


LM的社交媒体渠道必须不断更新和监控. 停用超过一个月的帐户可能会被停用或删除. Deactivation  and deletion will be carried out by contacting and working with the school’s communications  director or the highest-ranking officer of the department.


虽然社交媒体不断发展和发展,作为广告工作的有效工具  对于学校和招聘考生来说,它并不取代或以其他方式消除的需要  使用学校现有的招聘系统和流程发布职位,收集  申请,进行背景调查,提供就业机会和其他相关的  活动. 提供就业机会只应通过现有的和已接受的  过程,不应该通过社交媒体传播. 


这一政策将与学校的其他社会政策一起执行 员工和学生媒体: 

技术可以接受 & 负责任使用政策 


Student & 员工手册